{Doggy typed this letter to Dai}

We've talked on the phone and in my apartement, and now I'm writing this letter.
Maybe if I put my thoughts and feelings in writing, you'll understand them better.

I love you. I want to marry you. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. You are the most wonderful woman I have ever met. You are not a "load." You are not a "troublemaker."

Yes, you have problems. So do I. And together, we can solve these problems more easily than if we were apart. Problems are a part of life. But so is happiness. Let's share our problems and happiness instead of experiencing them alone.

We are not a bad"fit." We are a perfect match. I do not look down on you. I look up to you. I admire you. I think you are pretty, innocent, sincere and aslo have beautiful soul. Don't tell me to go find another woman. I don't want another woman. I have found the perfect woman.

Every day, I think about your beautiful smile, your happy laugh. I think about the long walks we used to take, holding hands all the way. Remember how we used to blow bubbles in Moncoeur and watch the sky?

I can't live without Dai !!! >//////////<


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